On-the-fly transformations

On-the-fly transformations have been introduced in version 0.19.0 of MDAnalysis. This feature is part of @davidercruz ‘s Google Summer of Code 2018 project and brings to MDAnalysis a whole new level of functionality, allowing for new and more efficient workflows when analyzing and visualizing simulation trajectories. The documentation for these new functions can be found in the docs for MDAnalysis.transformations

Why do we need transformations?

When visualizing and analyzing trajectories from molecular dynamics simulations, some prior modifications are often required. Examples of the most usual modifications or transformations are removing artifacts from periodic boundary conditions, which cause some issues with some molecular viewers (PyMol for example), removing the rotation and translation of a particular molecule and/or centering it in the unit cell, which helps focus on the its actual conformational changes by removing their natural movement in solution. These transformations help us better identify patterns in the behavior of our biological systems, and, more importantly, show them to the world.

The advantage of using MDAnalysis for trajectory transformations

Many simulation packages often contain tools to transform and analyze trajectories, such as Gromacs gmx trjconv command. However, most of the times, the user is required to apply all the intended transformations to the whole trajectory (or the portion of interest) prior to visualization and analysis. This often requires processing huge files, sometimes more than once. Moreover, some tools such as trjconv do not support frame indexing for the most popular trajectory formats, requiring iterating over frames that are not needed for that particular analysis. Trajectory transformations in MDAnalysis, on the other end, have one great advantage - they are performed on-the-fly for each frame that is read. Transformations are added to a universe as a transformation workflow containing one or more transformations. The API also makes it easy to add new transformations for your own projects. Another things that really makes the “on-the-fly” aspect of the MDAnalysis transformations shine is coupling it to a visualization widget such as NGL Viewer.

Using MDAnalysis transformations

Now it’s time to learn how to use the trajectory transformations in MDAnalysis. During the following steps, we will apply some transformations on a 1 ns trajectory of a simple 19-residue peptide embeded in a 128-DMPC membrane, showing the Gromacs gmx trjconv command and the equivalent MDAnalysis code and output. To keep things lightweight, frames are were taken every 100 ps, and water molecules were removed. This can be easily done with MDAnalysis.

Preparation: Example trajectory

We get our example trajectory from MDAnalysisData.membrane_peptide:

import MDAnalysis as mda
import MDAnalysisData

peptide = MDAnalysisData.datasets.fetch_membrane_peptide()
u = mda.Universe(peptide.topology, peptide.trajectory)

The above commands will download the peptide.topology (a Gromacs TPR file named “memb_pept.tpr”) and the peptide.trajectory “memb_pept.xtc” in XTC format.

The original trajectory has 1000 frames but for making the visualizations in this post shorter, we will only keep every 10th frame by using an in-memory representation (see Universe.transfer_to_memory()); when trying these examples yourself you can omit the line u.transfer_to_memory(step=10). In the following we just write

u = mda.Universe(peptide.topology, peptide.trajectory)


We use nglview for visualizing our trajectory in the jupyter notebook. In all cases we add a unit cell representation and rotate the view with commands such as

import nglview as nv
import numpy as np

view = nv.show_mdanalysis(u)
        -np.pi/2, np.pi/3, np.pi/6, 'rzyz').tolist())

but for simplicity, in the following we only write


The movies were rendered as animated GIFs with

from nglview.contrib.movie import MovieMaker
movie = MovieMaker(view, fps=24, output='movie.gif')

Example 1: making everything whole again

When performing MD simulations using periodic boundary conditions, molecules will often cross the limits of the unit cell. When this happens, some atoms of the molecule will show up on the the opposing side of the unit cell and some molecular viewers will show stretched bonds and other visual artifacts depending on the visual representation of the system. This is the case of our system. Without any modifications, when we look at the trajectory of our system, things become more cluttered and confusing:

import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') # nglview is missing some PDB-only attributes and complains 

import MDAnalysis as mda
import nglview as nv

u = mda.Universe(peptide.topology, peptide.trajectory)


raw trajectory

Using trjconv, one way to make every molecules whole again would be:

gmx trjconv -f pept_in_memb.xtc -s pept_in_memb.tpr -pbc mol -o output.xtc

In MDAnalysis this can be done with the unwrap transformation, which takes an AtomGroup as argument. This can be done as follows:

from MDAnalysis import transformations

# a custom atom group can be passed as an argument. In this case we will use all the atoms
# in the Universe u
u = mda.Universe(peptide.topology, peptide.trajectory)

# we define the transformation
workflow = [transformations.unwrap(u.atoms)]

Now that we have a workflow - in this case it is only a single transformation - we add it to the trajectory object so it can be applied in each frame that we want to read.


If we want to, we can do other things with the trajectory without having to generate a new file with the transformed trajectory.

This is how our trajectory looks like:


unwrapped trajectory

As you can see, the artifacts caused by the atoms crossing the boundaries of the unit cell are now gone.

Example 2: what if we also want to center the peptide in the unit cell?

In that case, using trjconv we would do something like this:

gmx trjconv -f pept_in_memb.xtc -s pept_in_memb.tpr -pbc mol -center -o output.xtc

And we choose Protein as the group to be centered.

In MDAnalysis we use the center_in_box transformation. As the name says, this transformation will move all the atoms of the frame, so that a given AtomGroup is centered in the unit cell. center_in_box takes an AtomGroup as a mandatory argument. Optional arguments include weights, which is used to calculate the weighted center of the given AtomGroup (if weights=’mass’ then the center of mass is calculated), center_to which is used when the user needs to center the AtomGroup in a custom point instead of the center of the unit cell, and wrap which, if True, causes all the atoms of the AtomGroup to be moved to the unit cell before calculating the weighted center.

You can see that the transformations workflow below has three steps:

This is how it looks:

u = mda.Universe(peptide.topology, peptide.trajectory)
prot = u.select_atoms("protein")
ag = u.atoms
# we will use mass as weights for the center calculation
workflow = (transformations.unwrap(ag),
                   transformations.center_in_box(prot, center='mass'),
                   transformations.wrap(ag, compound='fragments'))

centered and unwrapped trajectory

Example 3: what if we want to do a fitting of the protein?

Fitting is useful when processing trajectories for visualization and analyses - it removes the translations and rotations of the molecule, allowing us to have a better look at the structural changes that happen in our simulations. If we want to do this using trjconv we would do have to do this in two steps:

gmx trjconv -f pept_in_memb.xtc -s pept_in_memb.tpr -pbc mol -center -o midstep.xtc
gmx trjconv -f midstep.xtc -s pept_in_memb.tpr -fit rot+trans -o output.xtc

And we choose Protein as the group to be centered and for the least squares fitting.

In MDAnalysis we just add another transformation to our workflow - fit_rot_trans. This transformation takes the AtomGroup to be fitted as argument, an AtomGroup to be used as reference and, by default, it behaves just as the option -fit rot+trans. If given a plane argument, the fitting is performed on a given plane. If plane=xy then the transformation will behave as -fit rotxy+transxy, but the xz and yz planes are also supported. Just as in center_in_box, a weights argument can be passed to the function, and it will dictate how much each atom of the molecule contributes to the least squares fitting. Here’s what the workflow looks like:

u = mda.Universe(peptide.topology, peptide.trajectory)
prot = u.select_atoms("protein")
# we load another universe to define the reference
# it uses the same input files, but this doesn't have to be always the case
ref_u = u.copy()
reference = ref_u.select_atoms("protein")
ag = u.atoms
workflow = (transformations.unwrap(ag),
                   transformations.center_in_box(prot, center='mass'),
                   transformations.wrap(ag, compound='fragments'),
                   transformations.fit_rot_trans(prot, reference))

fitted on protein and unwrapped trajectory

It looks a bit confusing with the membrane so we can also look at only the protein

view = nv.show_mdanalysis(prot)

fitted on protein and unwrapped trajectory (protein only)

This transformation is good when we want to see how the conformation of the protein evolves with time.

But, in this case, we also have a membrane. How does the protein behave in the membrane? Doing a least squares fitting in the xy plane can help us have a better look. Here’s how it goes:

u = mda.Universe(peptide.topology, peptide.trajectory)
prot = u.select_atoms("protein")
ref_u = u.copy()
reference = ref_u.select_atoms("protein")
ag = u.atoms
workflow = (transformations.unwrap(ag),
                   transformations.wrap(ag, compound='fragments'),
                   transformations.fit_rot_trans(prot, reference, plane='xy', weights="mass"))

For the visualization we will hide the lipid tails and only indicate the phosphorous atoms:

protein_P = u.select_atoms("protein or name P")
view = nv.show_mdanalysis(protein_P)

fitted on protein in x-y plane and unwrapped trajectory

This transformation keeps the membrane horizontal, while the protein rotation in the z-axis is removed, and it becomes particularly useful when observing protein insertion.

Example 4: I want to do my own transformations…

The beauty of MDAnalysis transformations is the ability to easily create custom transformations. All transformations must have the following structure:

def custom_transform(args): # arguments at this point are not mandatory
    #do some things
    def wrapped(ts): 
        # This wrapped function must only take a Timestep as argument
        # and perform the actual changes to the timestep
        return ts
    return wrapped

Let’s create one here:

def up_by_2():
    def wrapped(ts):
        # here's where the magic happens 
        # we create a numpy float32 array to avoid reduce floating
        # point errors
        ts.positions += np.asarray([0,0,20])
        return ts
    return wrapped

Now lets add our transformation to a workflow.

import numpy as np
u = mda.Universe(peptide.topology, peptide.trajectory)

# loading another universe to better see the changes made by our transformation
previous = u.copy()
# making the unmodified universe whole accross the trajectory

ag = u.atoms

workflow = (transformations.unwrap(ag),

All atoms in the u Universe are shifted up by 20 angstroms but this does not look much different from what we have seen before. So let’s do something more interesting and just move a selection such as the peptide.

The transformations can accept arguments. Let’s modify up_by_2 so that only the peptide is translated in the z coordinate:

def protein_up_by_2(ag):
    def wrapped(ts):
        # here's where the magic happens 
        # we create a numpy float32 array to avoid reduce floating
        # point errors
        ag.positions += np.asarray([0,0,20])
        return ts
    return wrapped

We’ll add the new transformation to the workflow and see what happens.

u = mda.Universe(peptide.topology, peptide.trajectory)
ag = u.atoms
prot = u.select_atoms("protein")
workflow = (transformations.unwrap(ag),
                   transformations.wrap(ag, compound='fragments'))

peptide translated by 20 Å upwards

The two examples of custom transformations shown here are very simple. But more complex things can be done, and we encourage you to try them!

Final remarks

These transformations are a new feature in MDAnalysis and some transformations such as wrap/unwrap are still comparatively slow but this post should have given you some ideas what you will now be able to do. In particular, one can transform a trajectory before any analysis code sees it so one could implement trajectory smoothing or projections and then directly analyze the pre-processed trajectory without having to write any intermediate files or change any of the existing analysis functions.

Transformations behave differently when used with “out of core” trajectories (the normal approach in MDAnalysis, where each trajectory frame is read from disk into memory when needed) and “in core” trajectories (generated with Universe.transfer_to_memory(), also known as the “MemoryReader”). For on-disk trajectories, the transformations are performed whenever a frame is read from disk. For in-memory trajectories, the transformations are applied once to and the modified trajectory is stored in memory. Therefore, in-memory trajectories with transformations can appear to take a long time to load because all calculations are done immediately.

This has been a quick demonstration of the power of the new on-the-fly transformations of MDAnalysis. There are more transformations available for you to explore and a whole lot more for you to create for your own molecular system. More information on trajectory transformations can be found in the online docs of MDAnalysis.
