Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2024 Wrap-Up - Small Projects

Google Summer of Code

We would like to highlight the work of two of our outstanding Google Summer of Code (GSoC) contributors, Lawson Woods (@ljwoods2) and Valerij Talagayev (@talagayev), who successfully completed their GSoC projects with MDAnalysis.

As part of GSoC’s 20th anniversary celebration, Google introduced a new “small” project scope (~90 hour commitment) to its repertoire during the 2024 GSoC program to reduce time barriers to participation. Lawson and Valerij have both proven that though their projects may have been small in scope, their contributions to MDAnalysis during the GSoC period were invaluable.

You can read more about Lawson and Valerij’s projects in their blog posts:

We have tremendously enjoyed working with Lawson and Valerij and wish them the best in their future contributions to the MDAnalysis community and beyond!

We also thank Google for supporting the students and continuing to support MDAnalysis as a GSoC organization since 2016.

@cbouy @hmacdope @IAlibay @jennaswa @richardgowers @xhgchen @yuxuanzhuang (mentors and org admins)