Outreachy 2024 - Develop a communications strategy for a growing MDAnalysis user and contributor base

Goals of the Project

The goal of this project is to develop a comprehensive social media and communications strategy to grow the MDAnalysis user and contributor base. This involves conducting surveys with MDAnalysis users and developers to understand which communication channels they prefer to use to seek information about and engage with the MDAnalysis project. It also entails finding ways to boost participation and involvement from everyone in the MDAnalysis community and to also implement the setup of the MDAnalysis newsletter.

What I Did

At the start of the internship, I was able to explore MDAnalysis communication channels and document my observations, recommendations, and current analytics for each channel. I conducted keywords analysis, along with their frequencies, of the MDAnalysis mailing lists (now archived), Discord, and GitHub Discussions forum to gain insights into common questions and user needs within the MDAnalysis community. I delved into understanding how participants discover MDAnalysis workshops by gathering data from past MDAnalysis workshops. I also created a methods and definitions document to clarify the metrics used in my report and my approach to the tasks.

Moving forward, I drafted a survey plan, starting with a description of the MDAnalysis target audience and developing research questions to understand what we aim to learn from the survey. From the research questions, I developed the survey questions and answer options, and the Google form to collect data that will inform our communications strategy. Also, I created a survey outreach plan detailing the outreach and advertising channels we plan to use for distributing the survey, the survey participation plan, and the promotional content (blog post, email, and social media post).

We launched the survey form on August 1st and I sent follow-up reminders on August 15th and August 23rd respectively. While waiting for the survey responses, I developed a content strategy which included the proposed content plan and calendar for MDAnalysis. In the last week of the internship, I analyzed and wrote a summary of the survey results and how it can inform the MDAnalysis communication strategy.

The Current State

Currently, the initial survey results have been analyzed, and a summary has been prepared to inform the MDAnalysis communication strategy and a proposed content plan and calendar for MDAnalysis have been created.

What’s Left to Do

The next steps involve implementing the communications strategy based on the survey results and making adjustments to the strategy as needed. The survey results will guide the selection of communication channels and content types that will best engage the MDAnalysis community. Additionally, launching the MDAnalysis newsletter is another important part of the project. Beyond the internship, an ongoing effort will be needed to sustain the implementation of the communications strategy to grow MDAnalysis user and contributor’s base.


One of the main challenges I encountered was drafting research and survey questions that would give the feedback needed to inform MDAnalysis communication strategy. It was important to ask the right questions to gather meaningful feedback from respondents. I was able to navigate this phase with the guidance and valuable input from my mentors and the MDAnalysis leadership.

Another challenge that I faced was ensuring active participation from the community in the survey. Beyond the initial outreach, my mentor and I sent follow-up reminders, and the survey was promoted during the MDAnalysis 2024 User Group Meeting. While the survey did receive a reasonable number of responses, broader participation from the community could have provided even more meaningful insights.

Lessons Learned

Here are some of the lessons I learned during the internship:


I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the Outreachy organizers for this incredible opportunity to contribute to the MDAnalysis project.

A special thanks to the MDAnalysis leadership team and my mentors, Jenna Swarthout Goddard (@jennaswa) and Micaela Matta (@micaela-matta), for their guidance and feedback throughout the internship. This experience has provided me with new skills I will carry forward in my future endeavors.

Finally, I want to express my gratitude to the entire MDAnalysis community for their participation in the survey and for helping make this project a success.
