API documentation
API documentation for the distopia
python layer
(coords0, coords1, results=None)distances_no_box(signatures, args, kwargs, defaults, _fused_sigindex={}) ulate pairwise distances between coords0 and coords1 with no periodic boundary conditions
coords0, coords1 : float32 or float64 array
must be same length and same dtype
results: float32 of float 64 array (optional)
array to store results in, must be same size and dtype as coords0/coords1
distances : np.array
same length and dtype as coords0/coords1
(coords0, coords1, box, results=None)distances_ortho(signatures, args, kwargs, defaults, _fused_sigindex={}) ulate pairwise distances between coords0 and coords1 under orthorhombic boundary conditions
coords0, coords1 : float32 or float64 array
must be same length and dtype
box : float32 or float64 array
orthorhombic periodic boundary dimensions in [L, L, L] format
results: float32 or float64 array (optional)
array to store results in, must be same length and dtype as coords0/coords1
distances : np.array
same length and dtype as coords0/coords1
(coords0, coords1, box, results=None)distances_triclinic(signatures, args, kwargs, defaults, _fused_sigindex={}) ulate pairwise distances between coords0 and coords1 under triclinic boundary conditions
coords0, coords1 : float32 or float64 array
must be same length and dtype
box : float32 or float64 array
periodic boundary dimensions, in 3x3 format
results: float32 or float64 array (optional)
array to store results in, must be same length and dtype as coords0/coords1
distances : np.array
same length and dtype as coords0/coords1
(coords0, coords1, coords2, results=None)angles_no_box(signatures, args, kwargs, defaults, _fused_sigindex={}) ulate angles between sets of coordinates with no periodic boundary conditions
coords0, coords1, coords2 : float32 or float64 array
must be same length and dtype
results: float32 or float64 array (optional)
array to store results in, must be same length and dtype as coords0/coords1/coords2
angles : np.array
same length and dtype as coords0/coords1/coords2
(coords0, coords1, coords2, box, results=None)angles_ortho(signatures, args, kwargs, defaults, _fused_sigindex={}) ulate angles between sets of coordinates under orthorhombic boundary conditions
coords0, coords1, coords2 : float32 or float64 array
must be same length and dtype
box : float32 or float64 array
orthorhombic periodic boundary dimensions in [L, L, L] format
results: float32 or float64 array (optional)
array to store results in, must be same length and dtype as coords0/coords1/coords2
angles : np.array
same length and dtype as coords0/coords1/coords2
(coords0, coords1, coords2, box, results=None)angles_triclinic(signatures, args, kwargs, defaults, _fused_sigindex={}) ulate angles between sets of coordinates under triclinic boundary conditions
coords0, coords1, coords2 : float32 or float64 array
must be same length and dtype
box : float32 or float64 array
periodic boundary dimensions, in 3x3 format
results: float32 or float64 array (optional)
array to store results in, must be same length and dtype as coords0/coords1/coords2
angles : np.array
same length and dtype as coords0/coords1/coords2
(coords0, coords1, coords2, coords3, results=None)dihedrals_no_box(signatures, args, kwargs, defaults, _fused_sigindex={}) ulate dihedral angles between sets of coordinates with no periodic boundary conditions
coords0, coords1, coords2, coords3 : float32 or float64 array
must be same length and dtype
results: float32 or float64 array (optional)
array to store results in, must be same length and dtype as coords0/coords1/coords2/coords3
dihedrals : np.array
same length and dtype as coords0/coords1/coords2/coords3
(coords0, coords1, coords2, coords3, box, results=None)dihedrals_ortho(signatures, args, kwargs, defaults, _fused_sigindex={}) ulate dihedral angles between sets of coordinates under orthorhombic boundary conditions
coords0, coords1, coords2, coords3 : float32 or float64 array
must be same length and dtype
box : float32 or float64 array
orthorhombic periodic boundary dimensions in [L, L, L] format
results: float32 or float64 array (optional)
array to store results in, must be same length and dtype as coords0/coords1/coords2/coords3
dihedrals : np.array
same length and dtype as coords0/coords1/coords2/coords3
(coords0, coords1, coords2, coords3, box, results=None)dihedrals_triclinic(signatures, args, kwargs, defaults, _fused_sigindex={}) ulate dihedral angles between sets of coordinates under triclinic boundary conditions
coords0, coords1, coords2, coords3 : float32 or float64 array
must be same length and dtype
box : float32 or float64 array
periodic boundary dimensions, in 3x3 format
results: float32 or float64 array (optional)
array to store results in, must be same length and dtype as coords0/coords1/coords2/coords3
dihedrals : np.array
same length and dtype as coords0/coords1/coords2/coords3
(coords0, coords1, results=None)distance_array_no_box(signatures, args, kwargs, defaults, _fused_sigindex={}) ulate pairwise distance matrix between coordinates with no periodic boundary conditions
coords0, coords1 : float32 or float64 array
must be same length and dtype
results: float32 or float64 array (optional)
array to store results in, must be of length MxN where M is the length of coords0 and N is the length of coords1
distances : np.array
MxN array of distances
(coords0, coords1, box, results=None)distance_array_ortho(signatures, args, kwargs, defaults, _fused_sigindex={}) ulate pairwise distance matrix between coordinates under orthorhombic boundary conditions
coords0, coords1 : float32 or float64 array
must be same length and dtype
box : float32 or float64 array
orthorhombic periodic boundary dimensions in [L, L, L] format
results: float32 or float64 array (optional)
array to store results in, must be of length MxN where M is the length of coords0 and N is the length of coords1
distances : np.array
MxN array of distances
(coords0, coords1, box, results=None)distance_array_triclinic(signatures, args, kwargs, defaults, _fused_sigindex={}) ulate pairwise distance matrix between coordinates under triclinic boundary conditions
coords0, coords1 : float32 or float64 array
must be same length and dtype
box : float32 or float64 array
periodic boundary dimensions, in 3x3 format
results: float32 or float64 array (optional)
array to store results in, must be of length MxN where M is the length of coords0 and N is the length of coords1
distances : np.array
MxN array of distances
(coords0, results=None)self_distance_array_no_box(signatures, args, kwargs, defaults, _fused_sigindex={}) ulate self-pairwise distance matrix between coordinates with no periodic boundary conditions
coords0, float32 or float64 array
must be same length and dtype
results: float32 or float64 array (optional)
array to store results in, must be a single dimension of length N(N-1)/2 where N is the length of coords0
distances : np.array
N(N-1)/2 array of distances, a flattened upper triangle of the full NxN matrix with the diagonal removed
(coords0, box, results=None)self_distance_array_ortho(signatures, args, kwargs, defaults, _fused_sigindex={}) ulate self-pairwise distance matrix between coordinates under orthorhombic periodic boundary conditions
coords0: float32 or float64 array
must be same length and dtype
box : float32 or float64 array
periodic boundary dimensions, in 3x3 format
results: float32 or float64 array (optional)
array to store results in, must be a single dimension of length N(N-1)/2 where N is the length of coords0
distances : np.array
N(N-1)/2 array of distances, a flattened upper triangle of the full NxN matrix with the diagonal removed
(coords0, box, results=None)self_distance_array_triclinic(signatures, args, kwargs, defaults, _fused_sigindex={}) ulate self-pairwise distance matrix between coordinates under triclinic boundary conditions
coords0, coords1 : float32 or float64 array
must be same length and dtype
box : float32 or float64 array
periodic boundary dimensions, in 3x3 format
results: float32 or float64 array (optional)
array to store results in, must be a single dimension of length NxN where M is the length of coords0
distances : np.array
N*(N-1)/2 array of distances, a flattened upper triangle of the full NxN matrix with the diagonal removed