
This toolkit contains the tools to interface with HOLE [SGW93, SNW+96] to analyse an ion channel pore or transporter pathway [SFSB14].

Finding your hole executable

mdahole2 is a Python package that interfaces with the HOLE program. This necessitates having a HOLE executable on your system. mdahole2 will be able to automatically find your executable if it is in your PATH, i.e. if it can be discovered by calling which hole. This should be the case for the vast majority of installations through the recommended pathway of conda-forge.

However, if you have installed HOLE through a nonstandard pathway, then you will need to specify a path to your hole executable like so:

from MDAnalysis.tests.datafiles import PDB_HOLE
from mdahole2.analysis import hole

profiles = hole(PDB_HOLE, executable='/path/to/hole')

For example, if you installed HOLE from the original source, the executable may be in your home directory, e.g. a path such as ~/hole2/exe/hole.

Throughout the rest of this documentation, we will assume that your executable is in your PATH, and will not specify a different path.

Using HOLE on a PDB file

Use the hole function to run HOLE on a single PDB file. For example:

from MDAnalysis.tests.datafiles import PDB_HOLE
from mdahole2.analysis import hole

profiles = hole(PDB_HOLE)
# to create a VMD surface of the pore

profiles is a dictionary of HOLE profiles, indexed by the frame number. If only a PDB file is passed to the function, there will only be one profile at frame 0. You can visualise the pore by loading your PDB file into VMD, and in Extensions ‣ Tk Console, type:

source hole.vmd

You can also pass a DCD trajectory with the same atoms in the same order as your PDB file with the dcd keyword argument. In that case, profiles will contain multiple HOLE profiles, indexed by frame.

The HOLE program will create some output files:

  • an output file (default name: hole.out)

  • an sphpdb file (default name: hole.sph)

  • a file of van der Waals’ radii (if not specified with vdwradii_file. Default name: simple2.rad)

  • a symlink of your PDB or DCD files (if the original name is too long)

  • the input text (if you specify infile)

By default (keep_files=True), these files are kept. If you would like to delete the files after the function is wrong, set keep_files=False. Keep in mind that if you delete the sphpdb file, you cannot then create a VMD surface.

Using HOLE on a trajectory

You can also run HOLE on a trajectory through the HoleAnalysis class. This behaves similarly to the hole function, although arguments such as cpoint and cvect become runtime arguments for the run() function.

The class can be set-up and run like a normal MDAnalysis analysis class:

import MDAnalysis as mda
from MDAnalysis.tests.datafiles import MULTIPDB_HOLE
from mdahole2.analysis import HoleAnalysis

u = mda.Universe(MULTIPDB_HOLE)

ha = HoleAnalysis(u)

The VMD surface created by the class updates the pore for each frame of the trajectory. Use it as normal by loading your trajectory in VMD and sourcing the file in the Tk Console.

You can access the actual profiles generated in the results attribute:


Again, HOLE writes out files for each frame. If you would like to delete these files after the analysis, you can call delete_temporary_files():


Alternatively, you can use HoleAnalysis as a context manager that deletes temporary files when you are finished with the context manager:

with HoleAnalysis(u) as h2:

Using HOLE with VMD

The sos_triangle program that is part of HOLE can write an input file for VMD to display a triangulated surface of the pore found by hole. This functionality is available with the HoleAnalysis.create_vmd_surface() method [1]. For an input trajectory MDAnalysis writes a trajectory of pore surfaces that can be animated in VMD together with the frames from the trajectory.

Analyzing a full trajectory

To analyze a full trajectory and write pore surfaces for all frames to file hole_surface.vmd, use

import MDAnalysis as mda
from mdahole2.analysis import HoleAnalysis

# load example trajectory MULTIPDB_HOLE
from MDAnalysis.tests.datafiles import MULTIPDB_HOLE

u = mda.Universe(MULTIPDB_HOLE)

with HoleAnalysis(u) as h2:

In VMD, load your trajectory and then in the tcl console (e.g. Extensions ‣ Tk Console) load the surface trajectory:

source hole_surface.vmd

If you only want to subsample the trajectory and only show the surface at specific frames then you can either load the trajectory with the same subsampling into VMD or create a subsampled trajectory.

Creating subsampled HOLE surface

For example, if we want to start displaying at frame 1 (i.e., skip frame 0), stop at frame 7, and only show every other frame (step 2) then the HOLE analysis will be

with HoleAnalysis(u) as h2:, stop=9, step=2)

The commands produce the file hole_surface_subsampled.vmd that can be loaded into VMD.


Python (and MDAnalysis) stop indices are exclusive so the parameters start=1, stop=9, and step=2 will analyze frames 1, 3, 5, 7.

Loading a trajectory into VMD with subsampling

Load your system into VMD. This can mean to load the topology file with File ‣ New Molecule and adding the trajectory with File ‣ Load Data into Molecule or just File ‣ New Molecule.

When loading the trajectory, subsample the frames by setting parametes in in the Frames section. Select First: 1, Last: 7, Stride: 2. Then Load everything.


VMD considers the stop/last frame to be inclusive so you need to typically choose one less than the stop value that you selected in MDAnalysis.

Then load the surface trajectory:

source hole_surface_subsampled.vmd

You should see a different surface for each frame in the trajectory. [2]

Creating a subsampled trajectory

Instead of having VMD subsample the trajectory as described in Loading a trajectory into VMD with subsampling we can write a subsampled trajectory to a file. Although it requires more disk space, it can be convenient if we want to visualize the system repeatedly.

The example trajectory comes as a multi-PDB file so we need a suitable topology file. If you already have a topology file such as a PSF, TPR, or PRMTOP file then skip this step. We write frame 0 as a PDB frame0.pdb (which we will use as the topology in VMD):


Then write the actual trajectory in a convenient format such as TRR (or DCD). Note that we apply the same slicing (start=1, stop=9, step=2) to the trajectory itself and then use it as the value for the frames parameter of AtomGroup.write method:

u.atoms.write("subsampled.trr", frames=u.trajectory[1:9:2])

This command creates the subsampled trajectory file subsampled.trr in TRR format.

In VMD we load the topology and the trajectory and then load the surface. In our example we have a PDB file (frame0.pdb) as topology so we need to remove the first frame [2] (skip the “trim” step below if you are using a true topology file such as PSF, TPR, or PRMTOP). To keep this example compact, we are using the tcl command line interface in VMD (Extensions ‣ Tk Console) for loading and trimming the trajectory; you can use the menu commands if you prefer.

# load topology and subsampled trajectory
mol load pdb frame0.pdb trr subsampled.trr

# trim first frame (frame0) -- SKIP if using PSF, TPR, PRMTOP
animate delete beg 0 end 0

# load the HOLE surface trajectory
source hole_surface_subsampled.vmd

You can now animate your molecule together with the surface and render it.

