The rp/
script performs the path
similarity analysis on a subset of trajectories and computes a
sub-block of the distance matrix. All MDAnalysis specific-code is
confined to this file.
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# Perform Path Similarity Analysis on a submatrix
"""Perform Path Similarity Analysis (PSA) using MDAnalysis.analysis.psa.
Provide all trajectories and topology files in a JSON input file (two
lists, one with topology files, the other with trajectory files) or on
the command line. There *must* be one topology file TOPOL for each
trajectory file TRAJ. The `--nsplit N` argument is required: it
indicates where to split the list of trajectories T so that the
distance matrix between the trajectories in `T[:N]` and `T[N:]`.
import sys
import time
import argparse
from collections import OrderedDict
import itertools
import json
import numpy as np
import MDAnalysis as mda
from MDAnalysis.analysis import psa
def psa_partial(universesA, universesB, metric="discrete_frechet", selection="name CA"):
"""Calculate path similarity metric between lists of universes.
universesA, universesB : lists
lists of MDAnalysis.Universe instances
metric : string, optional
label of the metric or distance function, can be one of "discrete_frechet",
"hausdorff", "weighted_average_hausdorff", "average_hausdorff",
"hausdorff_neighbors". Note that only "discrete_frechet" and "hausdorff"
are true metrics.
selection : string, optional
MDAnalysis selection string that, when applied to *all* universes generates
the subset of atoms that should be compared.
numpy.array(len(universesA), len(universesB)) : distance matrix
The matrix of all the mutual distances D[i, j] with 0 <= i <
len(A) and 0 <= j < len(B)
Each universe should be transferred to memory
(`Universe.transfer_to_memory()`) in order to speed up extraction
of coordinates. However, for very big trajectories, memory
problems might occur and then this code is not optimal because it does
not cache extracted coordinates.
_metric = psa.get_path_metric_func(metric)
# submatrix of d[i, j] with i from A and j from B
D = np.zeros((len(universesA), len(universesB)))
# not optimized: could transpose to keep larger axis outside,
# cache results (compare u_i and u_j), and generate 0 for u_i == u_j
for i, u_i in enumerate(universesA):
g1 = u_i.select_atoms(selection)
P = u_i.trajectory.timeseries(asel=g1, format="fac")
for j, u_j in enumerate(universesB):
g2 = u_j.select_atoms(selection)
Q = u_j.trajectory.timeseries(asel=g2, format="fac")
# compute distance between paths
D[i, j] = _metric(P, Q)
return D
class StopWatch(OrderedDict):
fmt = "{0:30s} {1:8.3f} s"
def tic(self, label):
if label in self:
raise ValueError("label {} already exists".format(label))
self[label] = time.time()
def show(self):
print("----------[ TIMING ]--------------------")
labels = self.keys()
start = labels[0]
for stop in labels[1:]:
dt = self[stop] - self[start]
print(self.fmt.format(stop, dt))
start = stop
print(self.fmt.format("total time",
self[labels[-1]] - self[labels[0]]))
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
parser.add_argument("-n", "--nsplit", type=int, required=True, default=None,
help="split list of trajectories T so that the distance "
"submatrix D[i, j] will be calculated over the cartesian "
"product T[:N] x T[N:].")
parser.add_argument("-f", "--inputfile",
help="JSON file with lists of topologies and "
"trajectories (or use --trajectories/--topologies)")
parser.add_argument("--topologies", required=False, nargs="+",
help="List of topology files"),
parser.add_argument("--trajectories", required=False, nargs="+",
help="List of trajectory files")
parser.add_argument("-o", "--outfile", default="distances.npy",
help="Distance matrix in numpy format")
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.inputfile:
print("Loading paths from JSON file {}".format(args.inputfile))
with open(args.inputfile) as inp:
topologies, trajectories = json.load(inp)
print("Using paths from command line")
topologies = args.topologies
trajectories = args.trajectories
if len(topologies) != len(trajectories):
raise ValueError("Need exactly one topology file for each trajectory")
print("Processing {} trajectories.".format(len(trajectories)))
print("Splitting trajectories in two blocks of length {0} and {1}".format(
args.nsplit, len(trajectories) - args.nsplit))
timer = StopWatch()
# load trajectories
universes = [mda.Universe(topology, trajectory) for topology, trajectory in
itertools.izip(topologies, trajectories)]
timer.tic("load Universes")
# speed up by transferring to memory
# transfer to memory for instantaneous time series extraction
# (typically not a problem for these trajectories and submatrix sizes; if memory becomes an
# issue then do not transfer to memory and store intermediate trajectories on disk)
for u in universes:
# run distance calculation and produce submatrix
uA = universes[:args.nsplit]
uB = universes[args.nsplit:]
print("Calculating D (shape {0} x {1}) with {2} entries".format(
len(uA), len(uB), len(uA) * len(uB)))
D = psa_partial(uA, uB, metric="discrete_frechet", selection="name CA")
timer.tic("PSA distance matrix"), D)
timer.tic("saving output")